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A principle in Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) states that “when Qi (Energy) is stagnant there is pain, and when Qi flows freely, there is no pain.”

Many things can lead to stagnation of qi, and stress is one of the major causes. When we are stressed or frustrated, the flow of Qi can become blocked or unbalanced in our chests. Symptoms include frequent sighing, throat clearing, chest tightness, mood swings, irritability, depression, anxiety, palpitations, insomnia, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), or digestive problems.

To help Qi flow smoothly throughout our body, you could start doing some daily exercises, even a short walk or stretch. It not only can help stimulate Qi flow but also optimize heart health.

In addition, you can improve the flow of Qi by pressing an acupuncture point – NeiGuan (PC6 or Pericardium 6). It is located three finger breadths below the wrist on the inner forearm. Press it gently for about 30 seconds with a deep breath 3 times a day.


Information provided by Emily Yuen, L.Ac., our Licensed Acupuncturist.

*This article is a general guideline. To find a treatment plan tailored to you, please talk to us or a licensed acupuncturist

Image indicate acupuncture point - PC6